
Mansuscripts, talks, lectures, etc..

Journal Articles

2024 Chung, D., Chen, A., Choo, C., Zhang, W., Williams, D., Griffis, C., Bonezzi, P., Jatavallabhula, K., Sampath, A., Aldave, A.   (2024)  Investigation of the functional impact of CHED- and FECD4-associated SLC4A11 mutations in human corneal endothelial cells .  PLOS ONE 19(1) e0296928.
2023 Fehlhaber, K., Majumder, A., Boyd, K., Griffis, K., Artemyev, N., Fain, G., Sampath, A.   (2023)  A Novel Role for UNC119 as an Enhancer of Synaptic Transmission .  International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(9) 8106.
2023 Griffis, K., Fehlhaber, K., Rieke, F., Sampath, A.   (2023)  Light Adaptation of Retinal Rod Bipolar Cells .  The Journal of Neuroscience 43(24) 4379--4389.
2022 Griffis, C.G., Mistry, J., Islam, K., Cutler, T., Colwell, C.S., Garfinkel, A.   (2022)  Circadian and ultradian rhythms in normal mice and in a mouse model of Huntington's disease .  Chronobiology international 39(4) 513-524.
2020 Reingruber, J., Ingram, N.T., Griffis, K.G., Fain, G.L.   (2020)  A kinetic analysis of mouse rod and cone photoreceptor responses.  The Journal of physiology 598 3747-3763.
2020 Zhang, W., Frausto, R., Chung, D.D., Griffis, C.G., Kao, L., Chen, A., Azimov, R., Sampath, A.P., Kurtz, I., Aldave, A.J.   (2020)  Energy shortage in human and mouse models of SLC4A11-associated corneal endothelial dystrophies .  Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 61(8) 39.
2018 Thornton, M.A., Mehta, M.D., Morad, T.T., Ingraham, K.L., Khankan, R.R., Griffis, K.G., Yeung, A.K., Zhong, H., Roy, R.R., Edgerton, V.R., Phelps, P.E.   (2018)  Evidence of axon connectivity across a spinal cord transection in rats treated with epidural stimulation and motor training combined with olfactory ensheathing cell transplantation .  Experimental neurology 309 119-133.
2016 Khankan, R.R., Griffis, K.G., Haggerty-skeans, J.R., Zhong, H., Roy, R.R., Edgerton, V.R., Phelps, P.E.   (2016)  Olfactory Ensheathing Cell Transplantation after a Complete Spinal Cord Transection Mediates Neuroprotective and Immunomodulatory Mechanisms to Facilitate Regeneration .  Journal of Neuroscience 36(23) 6269-6286.

Ph.D. Dissertation

2022 Griffis, C.G.   (2022)  Mechanisms of detection sensitivity and adaptation in the rod visual pathway.  UCLA ProQuest ID: Griffis_ucla_0031D_20709.

Conferences And Presentations

2022 Chung, D., Chen, A., Choo, C., Zhang, W., Griffis, C., Bonezzi, P., Sampath, A.P., Aldave, A.J.   (2022)  Investigation of the functional impact of CHED- and FECD4-associated SLC4A11 mutations in human corneal endothelial cells .  Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 63(7) 3624-A0189.
2021 Griffis, C., Sampath, A.P.   (2021)  Rod bipolar cell contributions to changes in response sensitivity during light adaptation .  Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 62(8) 2004.
2018 Kim, E.H., Griffis, K.G., Sheppard, M., Alamro, S., Tabari, D., Garfinkel, A., Jones, H.D.   (2018)  Calcium oscillations in human pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells\: Developing a hierarchical clustering method for analysis and the effects of IL-1b .  The Journal of physiology 598 3747-3763.